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Marker wanted up to £100


Active Member
Jul 12, 2010
Hi all, i am after a back up marker, not too worried if its a tournament style one,or a woodsball as long as its fully working :eek:) , as i put in my post i am happy to go up to £100 and can probably get collection done in the UK as i work for a courier firm . not worried about extras jsut the marker itself, anyone with anything please give me a pm, or post on here , ideally with a pic,or a link to a pic so i know what it is ,cheers,Den .
p.s if anyone has a fibre wrap 1.1 bottle that is in date i will be after one of those at the end of the month when i get paid :eek:) ,let me know by pm though,cheers again .


The Attritionist
May 14, 2010
West Sussex
Hi, I have a mongoose 2 LED for bout £6, not sure if its a bit low end for you? If your interested I will post pics...