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Mardi Gras Date Info


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Nov 18, 2001
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To the teams considering attending the Diablo Mardi Gras Open

Please understand that Mardi Gras Open, for the past three years, has been named appropriately because it
always has been during the actual Mardi Gras event of New Orleans.

Unfortunately, America was attacked on September 11th, thus the dates from the SUPERBOWL (which will be taking
place in New Orleans area) has been MOVED from the weekend of the 25th-27th to the weekend of the 1st-3rd(The
following weekend).

With that in mind, the actual Mardi Gras' event was moved because they didn't have the security, emergency
services (police, fire, medical, etc., personnel) nor did they have the space (hotel, parking, etc.) to cater
to both events.

In other words, it is the same official opening weekend as it has always been, unfortunately, changed because
of the circumstances.

In addition to some of your concerns, keep in mind that the reason why entry fees are higher than last year(by $100 in each division save Pro) is
because the prizes awarded are even better than before. The Pros are going to Cash Money, the Amateurs will be getting prizes worth a total amount of $30,000.00 (250
Motorcycles), and the Novice division, for the first time, will be getting a prize package worth $25,000.00 which are KTM 125 motorcycles. This is one of the biggest prize package offered to a Novice division ever.

Please be assured, that attending this event will beas big a blast as last year and something you definitely do not want to

Thank you, and if you have any other concerns, please email us at info@harcore-sports.com or visit http://www.mardigrasopen.com for additional

See you on Bourbon Street