Being one of the rare fully Empire teams in the UK for the last 3 years we've got around to shooting almost all of the different paints. From experience, Evil is without a doubt the best, but is also the most expensive and can be the most problematic with the almost instant changes in weather that we have here in UK. A drop in temperature could mean the difference between ball on ball accuracy with 99% break on target and Evil soup. Best all rounder is the Marb. Shoots straight and can withstand slightly lower temps. We shot marb at our last event and did have a slight bounce issue. That said, for me anyway, it's more important that it comes out of the gun in the first place. Get a bounce and at least you get another opportunity. Get a break and it could be game over for you.... we'll be shooting Marb again this weekend at the BW event.
online via my uber funky Galaxy Note III