So its nothing to do with the States getting 1st bite ,and the good old UK getting the scraps!(don't mean scrap markers by the way
) No m8 its cynical marketing not just WDP,not just paintball
everybody does it If you could phone up and buy the marker to you're spec. there and then the hype wouldn't exist and interest would tail off...hence the supply myth,makes the product more desirable to the target population,wether its an IR3 ,Nike trainers or a bag of crisps , this way they sustain demand without over production and KEEP THE PRICE UP
I can't really hold with the shortage theory on stock markers as I've seen plenty in the shops over the last few months,Planet,Pheonix etc. but with custom/specific jobs there's always a wait in fact most manufactures in the UK tend to have a waiting list due to the small market over here its more cost effective to make a marker for a customer than make one in the hope they will sell(colours,carves etc).
This by the way isn't just a pop at WDP but everybody else who uses the same tactics...we're the only losers
Still don't like IR3's though