All of the above mentioned are accurate, plus occasionally take the bolt out and wipe the inside of the body out with a super clean rag or paper towel to get any dust, grit, paint, and other contaminates out. After a couple of months, lube the 3way shaft with a light coat of DC33. Also if you put a new 3way on there, grease it as such BEFORE USING! (I went thru 2 sets of orings before figuring that one out.) If your velocity starts varying too much, like say over +/- 5, then take the reg apart and clean and oil the seals. Once in a while, like 6 months or more, or whenever I'm bored and figure it's been a long while, I'll take apart my pneumatics reg, clean the internals, check for wear, then oil and reassemble. God bless Shocktech and ANS, because their regs are exceedingly easy to do this with. This is why I don't use Palmers: I can't inspect and fix them myself. Also upon occasion I'll take the grip frame off and clean the sear, trigger plate, and their springs to prevent binding and grinding.
Essentially the message to all this is check over the basic working parts of the gun and keep them clean. Such is the way to a reliable gun.