Being Mr Ham-fisted, today I pulled the wire out of the battery connector plug that connects onto my Ion lucky board.
From the picture you can see the plug with a wire 'removed'.
Can someone either offer me a plug with wires attached, or give me a link to where I can buy one, or at least give me a reference or name of the plug so I can search myself.
It doesnt need to have the battery connector as I can connect that myself. Just need a plug with the two wires in place.
Being Mr Ham-fisted, today I pulled the wire out of the battery connector plug that connects onto my Ion lucky board.
From the picture you can see the plug with a wire 'removed'.
Can someone either offer me a plug with wires attached, or give me a link to where I can buy one, or at least give me a reference or name of the plug so I can search myself.
It doesnt need to have the battery connector as I can connect that myself. Just need a plug with the two wires in place.