Angels don't need greasing,just a couple of drops of "love juice" in the asa before you put your bottle on and a half a dozen dry fire shots does all you need.
LIPS can sort you lovejuice out but make sure you ask John for it as Chris produces his own,pots it up and it doesn't work as well
Lol about potting it up... also jus to clarify do I put a few drop where the thrad is for the bottle obviously no on the threasd but on the brassy bit ? Cheers for that =)
Lol about potting it up... also jus to clarify do I put a few drop where the thrad is for the bottle obviously no on the threasd but on the brassy bit ? Cheers for that =)
Hold your marker with the barrel pointing at the floor and put 3 or 4 drops of lovejuice oil into where your bottle screws in,fit your bottle and turn the air and marker on then your eyes off and fire half a dozen times and the air flow through the marker will carry the oil to where it needs to be.