Hi everyone, new to UK paintball and your community. Let's start from the beginning, I'm semi-professional paintball player, played sport paintball for about 3 years back home (In Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and other baltic countires), participated in serious, pro-level tournaments like BSC (Baltic Sea Cup), SPBL (Finnish Paintball League) etc. At the moment I'm living in UK, going to study here for about 3-4 years, therefore looking for some action right here. Looking for a good team, with high targets and standards. I'm ready to train hard, promote myself, play to the death and do everything to improve and promote team. Waiting from the team regular training sessions, willing to improve and play hard. Basically, looking for a team near Croydon, south part of Greater London. There is no problem to spend all the weekend for getting to training field, training there and getting back, but will need a lift to and from the training centre (Moreover, there is no really problem to go even to Bricket wood, if for example someone will give a lift from the centre of London or nearby ). Last thing, I'm fully equipped semi-professional player which is ready to go to the battle at any time and do everything that I can for a benefit of my team.
Waiting for responses from team-leaders and real action.
Waiting for responses from team-leaders and real action.