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Level 10 Automag.... Mmmmmm


I still suck
Jul 7, 2001
Leamington Spa
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I've just finished tuning the level 10 mod in my brothers Automag. OMG! It's so sweet!

For those that dont know, the L10 mod is a new bolt and powertube assembly that absolutely eliminates ALL ball chops.

'What?' I hear you say, 'A mag that doesnt chop!? Surely not!'
Oh yes. This thing is so gentle you can stick your finger in the breech, fire a few off and hardly feel the bolt!

If you fancy having a go with it, I'm bringing the mag upto Ancaster this weekend as a spare; just find me and ask and you can borrow it for a game or 2... You'll be impressed, I know it!



PS. I'm the fat guy from Stupid Troopers with the red angel.


New Member
Feb 23, 2002
Seen it,done it ,bought the T shirt:D (okay so no T shirt !)
How did you go on ?,did mine last week...SWEET.
I ended up with middle spring,no.1 guide and 2 shims took about 45 mins.(nobodys gonna understand this;) )
Runs really well...but not as well as my Extreme:D :D :D :D :D
P.S. is"sticking your finger in and firing a few off" a euphemism for something a bit "pervy "?:eek: