I'm surprised that this hasn't been posted already especially as sjt19 posted on the thread...he doesn't normally miss a chance but anyway.
Original thread is here http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=402671
Originally posted by Lane Wright
The schedule for the 2004 season has been changed. The 2nd series event will be played at the Disney Sports Complex in Kissimmee, FL instead of Las Vegas, NV. The event dates are April 28th - May2nd
The contact from City of Las Vegas informed me on Friday that the city would no longer be willing to allow us to play paintball on any grassed areas. Being that there is so little grass in the area, it is difficult to find suitable playing areas. And with these grassed area being so rare, the price of most is not within our means.
Rather than take 6 weeks to TRY to find an area that is available, suited for the event, and affordable, I have decided to go ahead and take advantage of the offer proposed by the Disney Sports Complex. This allows me to avoid a position of not being certain of where we will be playing until days before the event.
I am now looking into finding areas for the 4th event. I am looking in the Denver and Portland areas. As soon as I get more info, I will post it into the news section of www.pspevents.com.
The Disney deal is a long-term deal that will alleviate the problem of finding venues for several years to come. We will hopefully be having the 2nd event, as well as the World Cup on Disney property for the next few years. It seems that the success of the 2003 World Cup has opened Disney’s eyes to the potential tournament paintball has to offer. We look forward to a relationship that will be beneficial to PSP, Disney, and the tournament players.
Original thread is here http://www.pbnation.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=402671