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Kittenball posters - Please listen up !!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hey, I hope you guys and gals trust me and know that I would not do anything to offend any of the people who post here (well not unless you are rude or swear a lot).
In fact most of you who posted in that thread will have realised I have deleted it and you will also know I have no axes to grind with any of you.
But there comes a point in time when the hammer has to drop and that thread (Kittenball) was about as bad as it can get in terms of inane chatter.
We all know that some threads will include personal comments that only a few will realise the significance of and this is the nature of the board but the 'Kittenball' thread resembled some sort of schoolkid indulgence with about as much humour as a funeral and as much interest to a paintballer as doggy doo doos.
I suppose the bottom line is we like to keep the subject matter loosely focused on paintball and we fully understand it will deviate but that thread took the piss.
'Speak your Brains' means just that but please help me out here, it doesn't mean we have to subject the rest of the board to that level of parochial chitter chatter.
Sorry, if i have pissed people off here but I have to think about the rest of the guys and gals on this board as well as the direction of this board that we at PGI wish to follow.
After all, we all want the same thing, a virtual meeting place where we can discuss paintball in an adult way (not always serious for God's sake) that is hopefully relevant to most people.
John, back to the opium den now please, there's a good boy.

Robo's right, we had a lil chat about this on the forums a coupla weeks back...if the same small group of people wanna havetheir own in-thread that's cool, but do it on e-mail or a chatroom somewhere else please.

We keep asking nicely dudes, pay us lip service at least...



VW's are the game
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
If the same small group of people wanna havetheir own in-thread that's cool, but do it on e-mail or a chatroom somewhere else please.
Just a question, Is PGI gonna hook a connection to this forum for a chat room? It would be kewl to click a link and shoot the $hit live. There are plenty of free chat rooms out there you just have to search for one. I added 2 and of course they got deleted cause of Title infringements. But I wouldn't mind talking smack to some of these other guys live! LOL:D

Keep the Peace!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hey Roost,
we are gonna set up the Private Messaging facility on this board and see how that goes, leastwise it should go some way into cutting down all that 'bollox talk' we sometimes have to endure.
If after that, you and others think we need a chat room, then we will look at that.
After all, we are only here to satisfy your every wish (well almost every wish as I don't trust a lot of the guys on this board, especially the northern ones)............. :)
Laterz Roost


VW's are the game
Originally posted by Robbo
Hey Roost,
we are gonna set up the Private Messaging facility on this board and see how that goes, leastwise it should go some way into cutting down all that 'bollox talk' we sometimes have to endure.
If after that, you and others think we need a chat room, then we will look at that.
After all, we are only here to satisfy your every wish (well almost every wish as I don't trust a lot of the guys on this board, especially the northern ones)............. :)
Laterz Roost
Hey Kewl PM's for everyone. But they will only swamp your server!LOL:D I am not out to chat on here really I use I/M, IRC and ICQ for chatting. That's why I had a post up a while back about it.

Thanks M. Robbo


Nov 13, 2001
Originally posted by TheRo0sTer

Hey Kewl PM's for everyone. But they will only swamp your server!LOL:D I am not out to chat on here really I use I/M, IRC and ICQ for chatting. That's why I had a post up a while back about it.

Thanks M. Robbo
just need to be a html chat room i know 2-3 bods on here who access through games machines or web browsers divices other then p.c. so they cant install massanger services locally

robbo is it still cool to put up a dedicated chat room i create or do you want me to mail you details first so you guys can moderate and chack it out first i dont want to be treading on no toes


New Member
Oct 27, 2001
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I'm not sure I understand, it seems to me that Robbo has taken personal offence to the Kittenball post. There are several other threads which have absolutely nothing to do with paintball that have been allowed to drag on for ages: the "Prisoners of war or criminals" and "Please ignore this post, a mistake if you please" to name two.
As to 'subjecting ' the board to inane chatter, no one is forced to read a post they aren't interested in. I realise the moderaters have to read them, to check for inappropriate content, but why take offence at something inane?
I'm deeply offended at the inappropriate posts like the "Why are all British paintballers gay?"( a post that should have been deleted without any comment being added, rather than the homosexual slurs that were bandied around) and the post asking female paintballers if it was painful to be hit on the breast.
Where was the moderation there?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Darkwerks
I'm not sure I understand, it seems to me that Robbo has taken personal offence to the Kittenball post. There are several other threads which have absolutely nothing to do with paintball that have been allowed to drag on for ages: the "Prisoners of war or criminals" and "Please ignore this post, a mistake if you please" to name two.
As to 'subjecting ' the board to inane chatter, no one is forced to read a post they aren't interested in. I realise the moderaters have to read them, to check for inappropriate content, but why take offence at something inane?
I'm deeply offended at the inappropriate posts like the "Why are all British paintballers gay?"( a post that should have been deleted without any comment being added, rather than the homosexual slurs that were bandied around) and the post asking female paintballers if it was painful to be hit on the breast.
Where was the moderation there?
Darkwerks, I did not take 'personal' offence as you suggest. Let me explain, over the past few months there has been a series of posters who have for the most part, dominated this board in terms of numbers of posts and ....hmmmmm....how shall we put it ?....Inane drivel...... is about the best description I can use.
Thread after thread descended into some unbelievably boring, irrelevant tittle-tattle that would be better heard over a garden fence between two old age pensioners, both of whom had been lobotomised :)
You get my point I hope ?
Now, the other moderators of this board have repeatedly suggested that these type posts need to be looked at.
Basically, they have consistently ignored our suggestions and continued.
So to answer the main point of your question, we are not going to jump in and hack every post to bits that we feel is irrelevant or inane.
We would rather send a subtle shot over the bows and hope people get the message.
And it wasn't so much as the nature of the post, that of being inane, that had it selected for the delete bin, it was because it came from the same people, who had repeatedly been asked to try and curtail the sheer number of posts that were for the most, inane.
If you go back and take a look, although I wouldn't suggest if you wish to retain your sanity, then you would see that there are literally hundreds and hundreds of these and it was clogging the board up.
We are not picking on anybody or indulging ourselves in excessive policing, we are just trying to give a gentle hint and make the board better for everybody to read and not allow the board to be dominated by a few people who would rather indulge in 'Bollocks talk'.
This post is already too long but I want to make one final point, we all know, that at times, we all indulge in 'Bollocks talk', I do it, everybody does it.
Some threads tend to descend into naturally because the initial subject matter has been exhausted or diverted.
But we are not talking about that, we are talking about the threads that start off talking bollocks and just get worse and by about the 50th post in the thread, I and the other moderators are sick of checking them out.
If you got any more questions let me know !