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Kinect pricing announced


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
Microsoft’s ‘Kinect’ peripheral for Xbox 360 promises to revolutionise gaming by removing the need for any kind of hand-held joypad. In short, the motion-sensing camera technology makes you the controller. Such zeitgeist-redefining kit comes at a price, though. That’s £129.99, as Microsoft has just confirmed...

Yes, you read that correctly – Kinect costs the same to buy as an entry-level Xbox 360. We’ll let you ponder the maths on that one while we detail the various options in store.

£129.99 is the price for the standalone sensor unit, although this does include the game ‘Kinect Adventures’ too. Meanwhile the best option for gamers who have yet to jump aboard the Xbox gravy train is a bundle pack comprising all the above and a shiny new Xbox 360 ‘slim’ with 4GB of onboard memory (a new model) – it’s £249.99 for that.

Kinect is scheduled to launch in November, with more than 15 games available from the outset, including such family-friendly titles as Kinect Sports, Dance Central and Kinectimals, which has players interacting with a collection of cuddlesome big cat cubs. Moreover, the future’s bright for the device, with all major software publishers pledging their support going forward.

That’s great to know, but Kinect still has fight on its hands if it’s to fend off the challenge posed by Sony’s ‘Move’ controller, which offers motion-sensing PlayStation 3 gaming at a fraction of the price – the starter pack costs just £49.99, and it’s launching in mid-September too.

Tough choices if you’re looking to enter the motion-sensing market, then. Kinect is absolutely cutting-edge technology but is expensive and launching later in the year, while Move is imminent, much cheaper but insists that players physically hold a controller. Then there’s the Wii, which is the cheapest of the lot, is readily available and still boasts plenty of brilliant games.

So which will you be buying this Christmas?


Platinum Member Lifetime
Nov 27, 2008
In a Shrubbery
yeah it is!, and that wouldnt surprise me...think of all the kids wanting one for Xmas, microsoft could make a bomb out of it at this price over xmas IMO.
You should start worring after you've bought it too as theres allot of xbox live content aimed at kids e.g. you can buy a ball and other toys for you to play with, with your tigar.