So theres this roomer that joy s gunna be at a local feild in nj and i say pffft and 2 days later im signed up for a clinic to play with Max and Mangus! If you ever get a chance to go to one of these clinics do it! I learned sooooo much from them and Max is incredibly nice for being pro and all. The tips he showed us are realy basic but work wonders for any one. He taught us how the russians play cause there new style is a hybrid off of Alex's style.
One of the most interesting things he showed us was on his gun. He put the number 10 on the back of his hopper, tak and gunso that he wouldnt go into the "tunnel" (when you forget bout team and focus on your self)
Over all the 25 dollars was well spent for an entire day of joy ending with a couple scrimms and a redz freebie toss and he sold a couple joysiks and joy jerseys.
One of the most interesting things he showed us was on his gun. He put the number 10 on the back of his hopper, tak and gunso that he wouldnt go into the "tunnel" (when you forget bout team and focus on your self)
Over all the 25 dollars was well spent for an entire day of joy ending with a couple scrimms and a redz freebie toss and he sold a couple joysiks and joy jerseys.