Patience young Luke.
Good things come to those who wait.
The specs of the board are quite simple.
It will make any Angel LCD Ir3 Speed or A4 go as fast as any brand new marker you can think of, and the gun wont chop paint.
It uses high quality infra-red breakbeam eyes.
It has ramping option or or semi only. (tournament locked)
It has a 15bps cap option or uncapped.
It has very special intelifeed code.
With our board you can have a 9V battery or use the internal rechargable.
You can use a 45 frame or a space frame.
If anyone wants to ask more detailed questions (or talk money) please
email me We have not bought a banner so dont want annoy the mods by advertising our excellent, must have, upgrade board here
It will be ready when I get the boards back from the manufacturer. Once the boards are here Everyone on my list will be notified.