I bought a PMR about 2 months ago, and used it for the first time today (I've been away on holiday). I used it with a PMI Compressed Air 3000psi 0.8l Aluminium System. When I turned on the marker, it worked just fine for about 2 or 3 shots. But then the air just seemed to stop working. Instead of firing, the marker made a single 'Thump' noise, and the paintball just fell out the end of the barrel. There were no air leaks however. This kept happening when I turned the marker off and on again. One shot or so, then nothing. I can't figure out what's up with it. Another problem I'm having is that the paintballs don't seem to fit down the barrel sometimes. I'm using .56 caliber paintballs, and they fit down my old SLG barrel fine. Is the PMR barrel any different. I would appreciate any advise on these problems, because i'm stumped...and quite worried...and angry.