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Is Obama's honeymoon now officially over?


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
The voting for the house of representatives yesterday was a resounding victotry for the Republican party. Many think this is an active vote against Obama's health-care policies. The fact remains though, that any bills passed/pushed by Obama now have to get through a republican majority in the House.
1. Will this make Obama's last 2 years in office redundant?
2. Is this another sign that the US democratic system is totally broken, as any positive changes brought about by a democratic president are now going to be halted at the house, and any changes proposed by the house can of course be vetoed by the president?

This seems ridiculous to me.


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
Update: The repulicans are going crazy over this 'win'. They were slavering all over the TV yesterday. As expected , the health bill is the focus of the debates, and the democrats are already saying they are willing to make 'tweaks' to the bill in order to get it through the house. The repulicans have answered that if by 'tweak', they mean 'remove the first 1500 pages of the 2000 page bill, then that's fine'

Pretty big news in the states.

People are saying that the Obama voters (the people that got him elected) were essentially voting thanks to the marketing and promotion of Obama (change), and because Bush was completely retarded, but they mostly lack the political awareness to realise they also need to go out and vote for the house of representatives. Basically Obama's young/minority voters didn't bother to show up this time...

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
The problem is that, like so often happens and not just in America, people vote for a new government when things are bad and expect an instant, shake and bake change. "Hell, it's been a week since we voted the fella in, and I'm still out of a job! What gives!?"
Obama said from the word go that things would take time and don't forget that he inherited a giant sh*t sandwich from good ol' boy George. Yet he now gets the blame for George's mess...
So yes, the honeymoon is over, but not because he's failing (if you care to look at things carefully, he's done quite a lot), but rather because people have short memories, short tempers and no patience.
Just like when the USSR imploded. People woke up the day after and thought: "Strange, I'm not a millionaire yet."
Another thing that works against the democrats is that many, MANY people that voted for Obama are people that normally don't vote much. He was great at reaching these people, but these people can't be bothered to go and vote for something as "vague" as congress.




one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
We know a US senator really well. Every time they come over we end up chatting about the US political system. Even they know they are in the ****. The country is so driven by the media that it is starting to run the country. And they are fearful of the way its going, hard talk from scarred people


300lb of Chocolate Love
Jul 31, 2007
Harlem, NY
We know a US senator really well. Every time they come over we end up chatting about the US political system. Even they know they are in the ****. The country is so driven by the media that it is starting to run the country. And they are fearful of the way its going, hard talk from scarred people
You're lucky. Thats the best type of hard-talk. Scarred people have been there/done it.