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Is Nitrogen Legal in the UK?


Comrade Trogski
Jul 11, 2002
Eccleshall, Staffordshire
Visit site
Is it legal to use nitrogen as a propellent in the UK?

If it is why is it not used.

I picked up a cylinder of CO2 today and was talking to the guy there who said that he could supply me with a cylinder which would give approx 3500 psi. Is this a viable option?

John Molloy

Jedi Master
Jan 9, 2002
Ask BOC for the price for a cylinder of Nitrogen and you have your answer. after the purchase of a dive cylinder its just a couple of quid to refil it.

is the 3500 cylinder air nitrogen or CO2?

most air cylinders ballers use are either 232 bar (approx 3500 psi)
or 300 bar (approx 4500 psi) what price were you quoted?

in the end its what you want to pay that is the determining factor.

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Roland
Is it legal to use nitrogen as a propellent in the UK?
Yes, but all true and dutiful Brit ballers apparently call their local constabulary to self-report all their kit just in case somebody somewhere ( some useless, do nothing busybody bureaucrat or "journalist") decides it's a nasty bit of business. :rolleyes: :) :eek: