Over at UWE we have 5 club Ions that we give to new players when they come reball with us so they don't have to shell out on new kit for their first time. A long standing problem that seems to be getting worse is that after a few shots they stop cycling properly. With no reballs in them they cycle just fine, but fire 10-30 reballs through and they eventually die. Usually we'd just crank up the input pressure to compensate, but it's gotten to the stage where we'd have to be shooting really hot with the ions and it'd be unfair. I've tried upping the dwell to compensate for the low input pressure, but to no avail. We clean the ions regularly, but this doesn't help that much. So far, the only solution I can think of is to clean the regs/bolts often and clean the reballs to stop crap getting into the bolts (which seem to be stickier than I would expect). Anyone know what the issue is?