Highly recommended...Put a decent barrel and feeneck on it and pray that you don't get a break (took mine apart for the first time last night (only way to get at the bolt to clean a break), taking 15 minutes, a lot of tools and some delicate patience (watch that eye lead!)...other than that, it rocks. I've used an Angel, Matrix and Impulse and still prefer this marker for performance, size and weight.
On the subject of ramping, ramping by letter of the law is and it would appear has always been legal. However, only the PA have made it "tournament legal" so far....and ramping at walk-on's is also likely to be ruled-out for perceived safety reasons primarily.
Ah, only just realised your question. Accuracy, well I've only used a freak barrel matching my paint so obviously accuracy is good with tight grouping. As for treating paint.....put a box of field blaze through it with eyes on and not a single chop.