So so much.
Its still almost 2 months off and im sick of the music, the adverts, the endless "christmas offers" and other such things.
The religeous organisations who come around and ask you to go to their christmas service.
The charities asking for "extra" donations at this time of year. I give regularly to the air ambulance and rspca, im sure as hell not going to start giving to every other charity out there just because its christmas.
Damnit, I wanna sit at my window with a rifle and shoot any carol singers than come by.
And the most annoying thing out of all of it what realy realy REALY gets me annoyed is how for the weeks covering christmas and new years how everyone seems to stop and nothing gets done.
Bah fekkin humbug.
Its still almost 2 months off and im sick of the music, the adverts, the endless "christmas offers" and other such things.
The religeous organisations who come around and ask you to go to their christmas service.
The charities asking for "extra" donations at this time of year. I give regularly to the air ambulance and rspca, im sure as hell not going to start giving to every other charity out there just because its christmas.
Damnit, I wanna sit at my window with a rifle and shoot any carol singers than come by.
And the most annoying thing out of all of it what realy realy REALY gets me annoyed is how for the weeks covering christmas and new years how everyone seems to stop and nothing gets done.
Bah fekkin humbug.