this months pgi is good, but i did think that the toulouse report was a bit thin when you compare it to some of the reports that have been done about american tourneys, it might just be my imagination, but i thought it was thin especially when there were many writers of pgi out in toulouse. i admit many were playing but there didn't seem to be many mention of the prelims, various good games and questionable decisions were made but not mentioned. like how come on all fields except the angel field if when moving you go out of bounds just the slighest you are out but when on the angel field if you are mugging some one and your foot goes out of bounds (eliminating you) and you mug your target, you stay in and the person mugged goes out. it happened many times and was seen by many people. robbo touched in his writing about some dubious decisions but left it at a mention.
this is just a suggestion to the various reporters - as well as using what you have seen, ask players from different levels what they thought, have seen, any thing that they think may be news worthy, in doing this you may get more varied views, and if some conflict then as reporters you can seek out the truth or decide not to include it in the reports.
some one in the forums suggested speaking to players, marshalls, organisers after games where shocks occured, or bad decisions or decisions that were god like, etc, to get their view, and i think that this is a great idea and that it should be done.
this is just my soap box talk, and it may be disagreed with, but the readers of pgi can accept when controversial stuff is written. many are on the forums so see controversial stuff every time they log on so give the wider views, it is done in other sports magasines, they don't try to please all the readers, as it is impossible, then if people disagree they can write a letter or article or post on the forum and it will all be discussed.