Originally posted by Mario
MM will be 5 man unlmtd paint with a KOTH style event running parrallel with it. the KOTH is lmtd to 18 teams and is lmtd paint as well. Dates and venues will be out soon i promise.......
Mario , when you say that MM 5-man and Koth are running parallel.......
Do you mean there will be two events running at the same venue on the same day???
Or is it going back to how it used to be?
Open one month , Ltd the next , then open again , etc , etc ???
I knew they were being combined in some way. I thought it was going back to the original format. But running the two events on the same day would be very cool. More teams , more spectators , KOTH teams get to see the "experienced" teams play too. That should make for a very busy and exciting atmosphere. It'll be buzzing + you only get one lot of set up/marshalling costs , so that should make it nice and cheap to run too. ....or I could be wrong , and got excited about nothing.
Cheers , Rob.