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Holmbush Woodland Tournment - Round 2 - 21st June


Goldfish69 Photography
Woodland Tournament Series 2009 – POSTPONED

Due to a Technical issue with our walk-on Compressor, which cannot be resolved until after June 21st we regretfully have to postpone this round.

There will be no walkon of any description on this date.

Apologies for any inconvenience.

In conjunction with running a second walk-on day each month, in the form of a pump game … we are also running a South East tournament revival series. Yes … a series. Not a single, one off tournament which will get lost amongst the other sporadic events which pop up now and again … but a whole connected series, aimed at providing you walk-on players an avenue through which to play some competitive, fun and fair paintball tournaments which will provide you with a starting block to re-build the Woodland Tournament scene.

Whilst we are organising and running these events we will be in contact (have been in contact) with a couple of major suppliers in order to put some credibility back into the woodland scene ... which let’s face it, is where all paintball began life !

As we said – this revival will take place over a series of connected events with rules in place.

Event Dates:

April 19th - PLAYED
June 21st - POSTPONED - Date Pending
August 16th
October 18th – ’09 Finals

Prices will be a simple £55.00 per player (inc 2000 branded paintballs) – No deposits required. Each consecutive tournament will then only cost you £50.00 each, with a voucher !

You’ll see a minimum of 10 competitive games, then either fun games or play offs and finals in the late afternoon.

During the off months, Pump and pistol days will be taking place.

Very briefly, to make these series of games accessible to everyone, we have decided to adopt the 3man format – but with a twist ! You’ll be playing as 6 man teams for the first part of the day, then split into your 3man teams for the playoffs and finals… it’s so much easier to grab 2 mates than it is to find 6 others to play we find !

The games will be played out as limited paint games and with our usual FPS / BPS limits and general conduct rules, this should just make for some really enjoyable days of woodsballing ! With your help we can have a healthy Southern Tourny Woodsball League in place by the start of next year, then we can think of expanding the game calendar and inviting other sites to participate.