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Holmbush Paintball Walk-on - 5th July


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
West Sussex
Right, the next walk-on is just around the corner and with summer is now upon us it should be a good one. So get yourselves down there and have a good and sweaty laugh. (Well that's assuming it's going to be sunny that day anyway!)

Anyway, the important need to know stuff:

Crawley Road,
Nr. Horsham,
W. Sussex.
RH12 4SE

The basics of the walk-on:

Entry Fee and basic information:


Entry to site from 8.30. onwards.
Games start between 9:30-10am.
Free Tea and Coffee.
Constant air to 3000psi.
Box 2000 Branded Paintballs.
BYO option but the paint maybe subjected to tests.
Expect to have between 10-16 games!

Please read the rules and conduct here: http://walkonzone.com/vboard/showthread.php?t=16024 (I'm aware the website isn't up and running at the moment. But hopefully they'll sort it out soon. But it's the only one I got as I don't have a copy of their rules and etiquette, so sorry about that! :))

If you have any questions regarding the rules or any questions in general about the walk-on the it may be worth contacting Holmbush directly via telephone at 01293 852 269

Also, there will be a small selection of goods on sale from the Holmbush Paintball Store and they'll also help you out with any of your equipment needs and troubles. If you have any queries regarding the store or any specific items then just give the number above a call and they'll help you out.


Goldfish69 Photography
Is the site compressor sorted now?
Pretty much - Air will be available all day as usual, so no worries.

This one doesn't seem to be too popular at the min lol.
Tip - try to not associate the amount of forum posts with how popular a site is ;) Never, ever a good or factual representation. Someone made that mistake not so long ago ... turned up to the seemingly 'popular' walkon and found 4 people there. heh ;)


Goldfish69 Photography
Oooops .. almost forgot !

Don't forget that everytime you book in, you get a voucher giving you the next walk-on at £50.00. So regular attendance means cheaper entry.

This month we'll have a selection of;

Proto Winter - For mechanical action markers
Proto Summer - For your electro gats
Sterling Game - About the best all rounder we have ever seen

Shop will be there as per usual, please yell if you'd like anything bought down, or we'll simply be supplying a range of needed accessories for the day. - Pots, squeegees, bottles, bottle caps etc etc.

edit: Bleeeh .. link from original post no worky, so here is a brief guideline for the day;

This event is not a PRO-Tourney. It is a FUN event.
For YOUR benefit, please behave in a reasonable fashion showing appropriate respect to our staff and other players.


· NEVER fire any marker in the base camp / safe area.
· Barrel socks on ALL guns BEFORE entering the safe area.
· Goggles on BEFORE leaving the safe area.


· 12 BPS limit on all markers. (Probably 10BPS - inline with major tournies this year ).
· Semi mode only
· All markers will be chronographed on random games.
· MAX 280 FPS.
· No tools to be bought onto the field of play.


· All bottles must be within test date.
· All bottles must be ‘Pi’ stamped.
· All bottles will be checked by a marshall before being filled and fitted with a tag. Failure to have a tag on your bottle will result in your bottle being confiscated for that day.
. If you have never filled a bottle before, we will show how to do so. Please note all air is supplied at 3000psi from our 4 fill stations - so NO chance of overfilling occouring.


· Extra Branded Paint available on the site.
· Any BYO paint will be subject to our approval.


· Marshal’s decisions are final.
· Marshals are neutral and may NOT be shot at. DO NOT shoot within 10ft of a marshal.
· Any hit on ANY part of the player AND associated equipment count as an elimination from that game.
· Fields will be locked out once final calls have been made.
· Game start denoted by Airhorn.
· Game Over denoted by Airhorn.
· Game Pause denoted by Whistle ; Games may be paused due to an onfield safety incident – Stop shooting and moving until instructed otherwise.
· Boundaries denoted by orange stakes / orange markers.
· If eliminated raise your hand, pot or gun and immediately move to the nearest boundary to leave the field of play.


· Games will be mixed formats. You will be told told to take 1,2 or 3 pots maximum onto certain fields.
. Valley and Crater field will be played 2 games at a time, back to back - no repotting - no refilling.
· 10-15 Minute games.
· Teams may be randomly picked as decided by the game organizer.


· Treat others as you wish to be treated.
· When a paint check is being made THAT bunker or area is neutral. No one may target ANY players in this area. Players in this area MUST stop shooting.
· No bonus balling.
· No cheating, wiping or dead men talking. Hot Guns, Wiping, Over aggression or Bonus balling
Any action we deem to be against the spirit of the game will result in the use of a gravity hopper for the rest of that days play or even removal from the day, depending on the severity of the action.

Further penalties for a ‘Gravity Hopper’ user will result in a ban at our site and other sites.


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
West Sussex
Well the weekend is almost here and the weather for the walk-on is looking ok. According to BBC Weather, it's not going to be as hot as it has been (thankfully!), but it's going to be a day of sunny intervals and be a maximum of 22 degrees C. Although not as hot, I'd still bring plenty of extra water to keep yourselves hydrated. :)
Jun 25, 2009
South West London
I am very interested in going but some kit I recently ordered and expected to have by this weekend suffered from catastrophic delivery failure so I am short of a couple of things at the min :mad:

You've mentioned that the shop will be open with some basic stuff & accessories - what sort of things will you have available - especially any reasonably priced hoppers (like the Reloader 2 listed on the website)?


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2008
West Sussex
They usually carry the odd hopper or two as well as things like bottles, bottle accessories, marker accessories, hopper accessories, squeegies, pods, batteries, spares etc. They sometimes bring up the odd marker every now and then as well. They bascially bring up as much as they physically can so that they can cover what most people will need or desire.