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Holmbush Paintball - Gatwick Area - Pump Day !!


Goldfish69 Photography
On February 21st 2009, we will be holding our first pump marker day !

Experience the sheer enjoyment and fun of eliminating a player through use of out-manouvering and out-smarting them, as opposed to having simply spent more money than them on a marker.

Limited places for this event
– Please simply call us on 01293 852 269 to register-
– No booking fee required-​

Here is a few reasons why we are re-introducing this day…

It’s low Cost
It’s fun
It’s Challenging
It’s less painful
It can enhance a player’s skill level
It can enhance a player’s positional awareness
It's different

If you feel you have to argue any of those points … stick with the normal walk-on games !

The thrill is not on how much you've spent on your gear, or who's got the coolest outfit or shootiest marker, its a mental and physical challenge and a test of ones true paintballing skills.


21st February 2009.(3rd Saturday of the month) – Yes that’s right … A Saturday !

Arrival from 11.45am
Booking in at 12.00am
Finishing at 4.00pm

Number of games – around 12-14.
Limited places for this event – Please simply call us on 01293 852 269 – No booking fee required

Price - £30.00

We Include;

1x Pump action paintball marker.(Optional)
1000x Paintballs.
Free Airfills.

You should bring;

Your own UNMODIFIED STOCK pump action marker*
Sense of humour.

*£20.00 returnable deposit required for loan of our pump markers

We'll be playing on our private woodsball fields, with it's own bascamp and separate to the public fields. (For more info see our standard walk-on threads)

We hope to see you there !

... Just for your information, we did a test run of the day early Janurary. We started at 12.15 and finished at 4pm. Refilled our air bottles twice, struggled to fire more than 50 shots per game, played 18 games and hurt more from laughing than being shot out !


Platinum Member
Sep 1, 2004
rochester, UK
I think he's referring to no autotrigger's, mq valves etc ?
MQ in a pump......hadn't thought of that one before? Interesting concept?;)

Is autotrigger not a standard feature on such guns as the phantom, bushmaster, etc, only they class it as slam fire, yet it's standard out of the box instead of being retrofitted?

So what exactly qualifies as a modified pump?:confused:

So a state of the art stock class gun is ok?