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Here we go again!!!


VW's are the game
I have noticed once again the quality of threads on here has dropped! Not only that the quantity as well. Come on people you need to post some thing I can relate to or something worth while! I am stuck in Turkey with JACK $HIT to do and no one here is helping! Must I call on the likes of TJ, Buddha, Robbo, CJohns, KillerOnion and Manning to start some good threads? I urge you to find something worth a RATS @$$ to post about. I miss the old days of contraversial topics such as "Media Slander" and "Prisoner or War or Terrorist?" So let's stop crying about Gear Bag give aways and start Speaking our Brains!


Back to Plat!
Oct 22, 2001
Visit site
The thing is Rooster, we have already argued out more or less every relevant topic that doesn't go into one of the other forums. We would just be repeating ourselves. What topics do you give a rats @$$ about anyway? Maybe you could think of one to start a thread about and give us all something to write about.



P.S. If this sounds sarcastic or any other way apart from just asking a few questions then sorry, its not meant to be.


VW's are the game
Originally posted by Charlie
What topics do you give a rats @$$ about anyway? Maybe you could think of one to start a thread about and give us all something to write about.
I have used up my imagination for threads to start. Like you said before we would be repeating ourselves on others. I will think of something to draw a crowd some time soon. Ooo Ooo Ooo I have one!:D

Just Curious

Active Member
Jul 6, 2001
Hey Rooster, just a quick word of warning.........

'd'ont be tempted to play Paintball in Turkey!'.

I tried it last year and I have to say it was one of the worst experiences I have ever had.

Played on rock-hard, sun-baked ground with treeroots sticking up all over the place. Safety talk?? Forget it! (heres the gun, heres the goggles, pull that and there u go, oh, and if your goggles steam up during the game, just take them of and give the inside a wipe)
You run out of paint during the game,,,,no problem,,,,stick your mitt in the air, walk over to the fence and a marshall will give you some more, then just carry on from wherever u want. Oh yeah, it was also played at night under floodlighting because it was too hot to play during the day.

If it had not been so F$&King dangerous it would have been laughable.

Had a great holiday other than that.
