I'm down in Dumfries & Galloway! Equally muddy I'm sure
Been going paint balling with my taekwondo club for the past 3 years, getting more & more into it each time so we're talking about a tactical team
For fun
As far as tactics go, so long as you have one very tight buddy to go with, you're fine. One of you shoots, the other moves. It works really well, and you can apply it to team tactics. 2 shoot, 2 move.
Welcome to you both, Only bad question is an unasked one. or one thats been asked and answered repeatedly before
Scottish Warriors are a great Scenario team, and this forum is without doubt the Best in Europe and possibly the world.
The moderating staff whilst they can appear strict at times are a sterling team, and everything they do is in the best interest of forum users, paintballers and the game in general.