due to what has been said i feel that i ought to apologise.
HPG: I apologise to you, i did not however STEAL any beer from you. I was very drunk and i dont remember anything from sat night. Of course this was nothing to do with any of the other reffing staff. It was my actions. i apologise to you.
on the judging side of things i apologise again to those who thought i was biased or lazy or not wearing the right clothing etc! my apologies.
to anyone else who i pissed off or who felt i was a dick. i apologise.
please do not think badly of Campaign promotions for my actions!
HPG: I apologise to you, i did not however STEAL any beer from you. I was very drunk and i dont remember anything from sat night. Of course this was nothing to do with any of the other reffing staff. It was my actions. i apologise to you.
on the judging side of things i apologise again to those who thought i was biased or lazy or not wearing the right clothing etc! my apologies.
to anyone else who i pissed off or who felt i was a dick. i apologise.
please do not think badly of Campaign promotions for my actions!