Hey guys i am not to sure how popular this will become or if anybody wants to play at all, but i am going to try and set up a halo3 tourny, there will be prizes for first place provided by me, not sure yet depends on what you want, like what gear you got will more than likely be some accesories, i am not going to be hosting this unless i get 6 teams or more, teams will be two people, at least one person "must" be a member of p8ntballer-forums the other person can also be a member or just a freind entrily upto you, so here are the rules, the games will 10 mins long and mlg setting, the maps are as follows (gardian, the pitt, constructs, amplified foundry and narrows) it will be a point ranking system so you will get 1 point for losing 2 points for a draw and 3 points for a win, each team will play three games against each team, at the end of all the games the winning team will be annonced and there prize will be sent of free postage=p.
if you are intersted just put down your gamer tag here and your freinds and i will make the list of teams, we can start with 6 team but more the better, games will be hosted over the 27th and 28th of june and when all teams are on the rooster i will give you your time schedual.
Team A
shaunl14 iz bad
if you are intersted just put down your gamer tag here and your freinds and i will make the list of teams, we can start with 6 team but more the better, games will be hosted over the 27th and 28th of june and when all teams are on the rooster i will give you your time schedual.
Team A
shaunl14 iz bad