Sorry for the late response. The GZ Timmy, well, I love mine to death. I sold my Angel LCD to get this piece of art. Stats. It has an SOB (Single-Fire Only Board) Which rocks and sucks at the same time. You can't show off full auto mode, but you don't have to mess around with fireing settings every time you turn the damned thing on. Has an anti-chop eye. I've shot over 15 cases of paint and haven't ever broken one. It can shoot 15 balls a second semi (fast as an angel) It runs on 85 PSI!!!! I can shoot over 1500 balls on one fill of my 68 45. and its Accurate as hell, almost as good as my cocker, and it's very light. I just joined this forum and didn;t understand why anyone in the UK had these gorgeous machines. They are hard to get anywhere other than the states mind you since Bob Long makes these personally in monthly batches of 12. However, for only $900, your getting performance on par with a $1500 angel. By all means find one and try it out because this gun is THE BEAST. Best of luck, spread the word. TIMMIES RULE!