thats a good idea mate but were talking of about 1 meter deep water. so its a proper pool
we thinking of opening it up a a public pool lol. We tring to think of somethink to do about it but i am just a lazy 15/16 year old **** that wont lift a finger unless apps alutly nes. lol. Im thinking of a adding a liitle trench to leed the water onto the road neer the forest muh hahaha. To be quite onist i like playing when its flooded lol its kind of like saving private rhyan whith the paintballs wooshing through the water.
Thanks. also tell me wat ya thinks of this game i though of it all by my self (arnt i clever). Its like CT's V Terrorists (CT's being counter terrorists. there will be house or liitle hut preferably big hut.
Itll be hostage situation played by myself (always fanced myself as an actor. i could even put on a blond wig and act as the damsale in distrease) The aim to extract the hostage out to extraction zone. let me know what u think. were also gona do a black hawk down map mini village. gona be fun.
hope u lazy B*stards are gona read this essy check my spelling lol
cheers oh yer go CE (cammando Elite)