What's that Tom, you need glasses so you know which button to click when you're posting?
Re: glasses:
Spectra lenses (ie flex 7, ice/ize/ proteus, and spectra - duh
goggles) fit over pretty much all but the most elton-john/timmy-mallet of glasses, but you may find what I (and a bunch of speccy friends) have:
After a few times out, your friends won't want to borrow your goggles at all, due to your glasses having rubbed scratched patches inside the lense. It's nothing to worry about, and it doesn't affect your vision, as it's outside your field of view. It may take the colour off your specs as well.
Fans are good, but for a long while I played without one, and with single lenses, just had to follow my own advice (what I tell punters to stop steaming up happening):
Just before you put your goggles on, take a deep breath, go out, play the game, get back to safe area, and let it out. Problem solved.
And it is morethan possible to buy Proteus goggs without fans also.........