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Getting into the paintball business


New Member
Aug 20, 2022
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all well.
I am a novice to all of this so please excuse an ignorance.
I am looking to start a paintball business, an outdoor one, however I am wanting to find out which paintball guns would be the best ones to purchase from the UK.
I did begin looking into the Valken and JT splatmaster, however it seems those are mainly for kids.
I do want some guns that are beginner friendly however they do need to be professional as well and ideally a spring powder gun would be best.
I am also trying to budget to £100 or less per gun.
I would sincerely appreciate any advice and recommendations. Thank you!!


Aug 19, 2003
I think you might struggle with that budget mate, although there are guns in that price range, Im not sure if they will fit all your criteria of beginner, professional and spring powder

something like this would be ideal although I have no experience with this gun so do some research first. Dont forget you will need spares and some way to repair equipment, masks, pots, overalls, hoppers, safety stuff, paintballs, c02 or air bottles and a supply of c02 or air. Insurances, somewhere to play, bunkers, first aid training. Are you providing food or drinks? Do you need a hygiene or catering certificate? You will need to employ marshals (normally local late teen early 20s kids) etc etc etc the list is not extensive.


Nov 27, 2006
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all well.
I am a novice to all of this so please excuse an ignorance.
I am looking to start a paintball business, an outdoor one, however I am wanting to find out which paintball guns would be the best ones to purchase from the UK.
I did begin looking into the Valken and JT splatmaster, however it seems those are mainly for kids.
I do want some guns that are beginner friendly however they do need to be professional as well and ideally a spring powder gun would be best.
I am also trying to budget to £100 or less per gun.
I would sincerely appreciate any advice and recommendations. Thank you!!
Spring power is a no go. That only allows for the Splatmaster 0.50” spring action type, and you would only be able to run the child’s party groups which are typically on a fixed price for parents to budget a party

Check out the series of videos by Martello of Paintball magazine / On Target Games …. Beginning here:

That series was intended to be a rough guide to creating a paintball business but turned into progress on keeping going under covid.

An important thing to do is to diversify - the venue is the business and the option of multiple activities is the way to keep it going

Just within paintball there are:

Low impact spring 0.50”

Rental grown up paintball - traditionally on 0.68”, but you can also do this is 0.50” which aligns your paintball stocks with the kids low impact and makes better use of your storage space

Walkons / own gunners - these expect to use their own guns in 0.68” and that you run on 3000psi compressed air (and will ask you for 4500psi - but that’s not necessary and more expensive to run)

A number of rental only sites still run on CO2, which means you have to buy in CO2 as opposed to have a commercial compressor and bank of holding cylinders
You should contact Trevor Kent of HPAC as he is the oracle of air

And also the UKPSF that represent the industry and players and are a major source of support

For other diversity look into airsoft (they can play the same areas as paintball as long as you keep splatter residue on bunkers etc and plastic BBs on the floor to a minimum, then other things like laser tag, zorbing, zombie / haloween experiences etc
Search for ‘stay weekend activities’ and you have a wealth of ideas, add the ones that you could practically run


The brotherhood
Aug 1, 2003
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I would suggest you try and get a job marshalling at a paintball site and learn a bit about paintballing as it appears to me you know nothing about it, have you even played?. opening a site is a big investment, and this is probably not the best time to do it with the economy going downhill fast.
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