Hello Foster
I have always used planet guns for both the teams i have played for. I owned an etek followed by an ego 07 then an ego 8 and have used ego 9s 10s and shot the ego 11 as planet were kind enough to send us on Team Kinetic one to try out.
I converted to a Geo 1 from my Ego 8 and have never looked back. Geo 1 has been so easy to maintain and shot like a dream all year and when playing in some pretty muddy conditions and in the rain i just felt more peice of mind knowing everything was enclosed on the Geo. Although in fairness i never had any issues using any Egos, They have all been great.
The Ego 11 is an amazing bit of kit but when i had the choice i went for the Geo 2. Hard to go back having used geo all last year and i have sort of got used to not having the bolt popping back and forth in front of my face.
You wont be dissappointed with either Ego or Geo both amazing but i reckon you should go for the Geo and enjoy the change.