Let's see...where to start? I guess I have a few general guidelines I try to follow while out on the field to the best of my ability at the time:
1. Walk the field repeatedly.
2. Never run out of paint or air. Carry as big a tank and pack as necessary to accomplish this end.
3. Use paint that is well matched to your barrel or conversely get a barrel that best matches the paint that you can get. Or say to heck with it and get a Freak or CP Pro.
4. Always look with your gun pointed directly at where you're looking. It does no good whatsoever to see someone you can't shoot at. If you're out of your bunker and not shooting, you're likely to be eliminated.
5. Prioritize targets. Take out the biggest threat and/or easiest target first...if the two are different at the time, go from nearest to farthest quickly.
6. Cover opponent with paint until they stop playing and are called out by the referee or themself. If this takes one ball, great, but if it takes 30, then don't stop at 29 or 28.
7. However, exception to #6, don't stay out too long to shoot.
8. When you know something important for other people on your team to know, SCREAM IT loudly, clearly, and repeatedly until you are sure that everyone has heard and understood.
9. Don't keep anything in. Get psyched up to the point of mania. Just keep the vulgarity under control (not necessarily gone, just not overkill) and not directly physically violent...in other words, within the rules of play. Otherwise, if their moms are like a jukebox where $1 gets you anything you want for an hour, let the whole world know it. Heck, even discuss defiling their sisters on top of an ice cream cart if it keeps the adrenalin flowing. Go out and do it after the game if the sisters are good looking enough.
10. Don't brag about yourself. You will without a doubt get humiliated in the very next game in the exact manner you describe yourself doing to someone else.
11. Play with and against the best teams you can find.
12. Travel as often as possible to play and watch different people and places to learn. You will learn tons by doing so.
13. Buy me a new Porsche.