Originally posted by Javert
I am new at paintball... the most popoular game seems to be capture the flag and hunting... do you guys know of any other games that are fun to play...
well i got some u might not like. my feild has a game they play called the terminater... ie jus like the movie. the pick like 2 people to be the terminaters. they start on one end of the feild and the rest(like 15 other people) hiding behind bunkers pumbiling the other 2. the 2 terminaters can get shot as man times as the other side can shoot and they wont get out. the point is to if ur 1 of the 15) either dont get shot be the terminater, dont run out of ammo, dont give up, and to try to hold out till the terminaters run out of ammo.
the next game is where u challeng ur self and play like 3 on 1 or somthing like that.
you can play 3 hit elimination. or play where 1 base has an pjest say a scarf and ur team needs to retreiv it and taqke it back to ur base and keep controll of it till the game is over.
or the other game idea which some one came up with is to play in the woods at night with low fps and wear a few glow in the dark cloths and play.