Left me at a loss for words to be honest. The entire concept of allowing full-auto tournaments (quite apart from it being illegal in the UK) seems to be one of the most retarded ideas I've heard in a long time.
From that news item it reads as if TV companies are pushing for this? They think it will IMPROVE the viewing experience? Oh yeah, I really want to see people huddled behind barricades holding a trigger down, that's just SO exciting and 'extreme'.
But that's just my opinion......anyone else?
Left me at a loss for words to be honest. The entire concept of allowing full-auto tournaments (quite apart from it being illegal in the UK) seems to be one of the most retarded ideas I've heard in a long time.
From that news item it reads as if TV companies are pushing for this? They think it will IMPROVE the viewing experience? Oh yeah, I really want to see people huddled behind barricades holding a trigger down, that's just SO exciting and 'extreme'.
But that's just my opinion......anyone else?