Key ingrediants in forming a tourney team.....and keepin' it together!
1- Players who enjoy ball, and just wanna play it, and not just go to an event to socialise, and frigg about. (that happens after
2- Commitment from everyone
3- Reliability
4- Own kit
5- Money, make sure u dedicate enough funds a month to play ball!
Now that's to form a solid team.
This list is to keep it together and grow!
1- Team bonding off the field
2- Teamwork on the field (attend training events with other teams, and learn from them!!)
3- Get a cap't to organise events, training etc........ (and keep it organised!)
Don't get disheartened if you get wiped off the field in your first event, it happens!!!! You'll learn a lot from it, remember that!
The skill will come in time, just practise, practise, practise, and don't be afraid to ask, learn from other established tourney ballers.
Hope this helps