RP Scherer blocked WDP's further manufacture of Forest, by buying the factory that made it, and then closing it down (the paintball division). This happened shortly after WDP placed an ad in a US magazine announcing Forest was 'coming to America'. RP saw Forest as a real threat, and once they closed the factory that made Forest (Pharmagel France), they then started a lawsuit against WDP for 'breach of contract'. The contract in question stated that WDP would buy paintballs manufactured at the french plant. RP wanted to make Forest to a different spec, in Florida, and charge more for it. They also wanted a cut of the profit to go to the UK RPS distributor (Mayhem Paintball Games), who were WDP's main competition for paint sales. WDP counter-sued, also for breach of contract, and that started a long, drawn-out, court battle. The results of the battle aside, WDP now had no paint supplier, and had to look for another revenue stream. This is when they looked at hard-goods manufacturing, which soon resulted in the Angel. Once that got popular, another US firm decided to sue WDP, again without just cause, and WDP again got drawn into a long and expensive legal battle.
If it wasn't for those 2 law-suits, costing millions of dollars, the landscape would definitely be a little different now.