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For E-Mags:


I Kick You in the Nuts!
Mar 24, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Alright, here's an opinion topic. What do you think is a better feed type, a regular type (right, left center) with powerfeed or the Warp Feed system? Give all of the pros and cons of bolth of them vs. each other. I'll start:
Regular Pros:
More used to
Gives balance to the gun. (With nitro on the bottom, the weight is evenly distributed)
A little lighter
Less bulky

Regular Cons:
Unable to play as tight as possible
More of a target to hit
Slower feeding
More ball breaks/chops
Less money
Warp Feed Pros:
Able to always have a ball in the chamber
Smaller profile target
Designed especially for the E-Mag

Warp feed Cons:
Not used to
All of the weight would be twards the bottom of the 'gun
Unable to accept 114 ci tanks (Dosen't matter to me- I'm always a 68 ci guy)
Requires a hopper which is more money

There's my opinion on the matter- let's hear yours.


I Kick You in the Nuts!
Mar 24, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Hmmm... you're saying that it serves as a Warp feed AND regular feed system? Is it designed so bolth can be used by rightys or lefties? Where can I egt some info on the Extreme- starting to get tired of being clueless.


I Kick You in the Nuts!
Mar 24, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
And when you are aiming, the hopper won't get in your way of vision? Looks like it from a few pictures I've seen, but I may be wrong. And do shops do that thing where they mely a pocket in your hopper for the feed tube of the Warp?