im a personal trainer, and ive got a little knoweledge about these things and ive done it myself, the bad news is a badly torn ligament is worse that a break due to the poor blood flow to ligaments and therefore longer healing times, its also rare for a ligament to heal to if full strength so you going to have to be more careful, as for healing times it depends how bad it is but 3-6 months for a bad one and 2-4 months for an average one, you can after a couple of weeks if it doesnt hurt, massage the area to stimular blood flow, all you have to do is, find the ligament, shouldnt be hard right now, lol (sorry) and rub it firmly, using a one finger and a little olive oil, or baby oil, which ever you have more of, also be aware that you muscles are going to atrophy (waste away) thus leaving the ligament under more strain than normal, so dont forget to work slowly back into your paintballing. proberly the very best advice i can give is DO NOT RUSH BACK into pysical activity, i know its the last thing you want to hear, but every time they get torn they become weaker. oh and if your rich, you must be if you can afford to play this game, lol. got to a pysiothreapist, and see if they will do ultrasound on the ligament, it like a deep massage, with soundwaves. any other questions, feel free to ask.