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Flanking Maneuvers


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Jan 18, 2002
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My favorite thing to do in paintball is to flank the opponet and come up on their rearend while they are not expecting it. It is also one of my least favorite things to have happen to me. Getting hit in the back of the head does not feel good.

Do any of you know any good flanking maneuvers that I may be able to incorporate into my strategies?

I don't think it is really possible to flank the opponet on a speed ball field, but if you know how I would love to hear it.

My best flanking maneuver involves staying spread out while moving through the woods and when contact is made the person in the back, hopefully not seen by the enemy team, circles around their backs and opens up on them. This doesn't alwayse work well, especially if the other team is good at playing in the woods.

The other strategy I like is trying to slip past the other team and listening for the sound of a fight then comming up on the oter team from behind. This breaks down when you can't tell which group is your team or when your team mistakes you for the enemy, so you have to be careful.

Thanks in advance for the information!;)



Active Member
Jan 12, 2002
I think you have really the only things you can do. There isnt much more apart from maybe creating a diversion for you to get round the back of them.
I did a great flanking move a few months back. It was a 3 on 3 and the other team didnt realise I had run around the side so it was the two other guys on my team and the three on the other all on one side of the feild. I came round and one of the opposition and one of my team had walked past then I came straight on their side and took one out, hid then did the other. It felt really cool because these guys were good.


New Member
Apr 12, 2002
Jersey baybe!
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You can kinda do it on a speedball field, its a QUICK 1 man move but ive done it more then once and it works great. Send all of your team to one side of the field except for one man, all at once open fire on the bunkers the other teams are in while moving up. Then the guy on the other side makes a mad dash down the oppisite side of the field and just pop them in the back.


Lord of the Ringtones
Use crawls effectively, and if your field has a snake LEARN TO USE IT! A lot of what we do in field walking is planning routes to move along tapelines, figuring out the avenues of movement which involve the least exposure from certain bunkers. Take advantage of the hights of some bunkers: where there is a corner covering a lane towards the middle, for example, communicate with your center guy to put pressure on the left or right guy that can see into that gap and move on him. Incorporate some knowledge of how you can do that from all positions and you'll win easily.


**** Name!!!
Apr 29, 2002
Leicester, England
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flanking is kewl and there is nothing better then getting round the back of a couple and bust their ass' and then c the look on their faces wen u get back 2 base camp/safe zone! its sweet! iv only done it once but it kept the smile on my face all day!


New Member
Jun 5, 2002
Hampshire, U.K.
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OK heres one that ive used loads of times: When the game starts give it legs (run) to the best piece of cover that you can find that is about the middle of the palying feild and is on one of the flanks. Now SIT and HIDE. Wait until the others teams flamkers have passed you then merily lite them up. Then carry on down the flank and cortinue your carnage! :D


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
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Well, Since we seem to have covered all the good flanking maneuvers my second question is how do you keep the other team from using them on you. I have had it happen to me a couple of times and let me tell you there is only one place that hurts more than getting shot in the back of the head. The last time I was flanked I got a goose egg on the back of my head and my ears were ringing for the next 10 minutes. Outch!!!:(

The only thing I can think of to prevent this from happening again is to stay spread out and make sure that at the beginning of the game people are assigned to cover certain parts of the field so that there are no gaps.

Does anyone have any better tacticts than that?


New Member
Jun 14, 2002
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the only thing i can think of is to make a line with your teammates about 10 feet apart and dont let anything cross or just send 1 person to each side to gaurd it