does your team know each other well???
if not then i suggest getting to know each other really well this helps on the field because you can trust them and you know their names
important drills are snapshooting for the front guys as this will be their main skill when the big back dudes are hammering 18bps their way.
and equally your back dudes need to know how to play back effectively like effective shooting of the break and knowing how to look around the field and relay this information to the rest of the team.
but over all practice just simple everyday practice like standing infront of a mirror with something in front of you to see how far you hang out when you shoot.
or pretend your mums sofa is a snake and practice diving into it
(well maybe not that one)
also practice being able to fire off hand this will help alot and give you a distinct advange over a team that cant play like that. this can be done by sitting and watching telly and everytime a ertain person comes up, snap shoot them with your off hand.
good luck in your first tourney im sure you will do well.