Originally posted by Tony
Hey Robbo, how about adding to your list:
Richard and Judy
Anyone who is on tv and also has a famous celebrity father\mother\sister\brother\daughter\son - you get the idea
Ant and Dec (geordie twats - FTM!)
'zany' tv weather presenters
Chris Evans
Jordan\Katie Price\Inflatachest\whatever she's called this week
Anyone involved in the making of The Word
The person who first thought it would be a good idea to do a programme about doing up peoples houses\gardens\whatever
Bloody hell, thinking about it, how ****e is telly nowadays?!
OK Tony,
I am only ever gonna do this once, make myself look like a wussy boy that is !!!
I quite like Richard and Judy along with Ant and Dec and this is the reason why.
I hate pretentious people, people who 'act' all the time, people who are not natural on screen, if you get what I mean.
All that 'Luvvy' crap actors seem to indulge themselves in makes me wanna vommit.
Richard and Judy, Ant and Dec do seem to me at least, to be pretty natural people, basically what you see is what you get and I have to say, I quite like that.
As for the others you mention, I ain't gonna complain too much if you get out the old Kalishnikoff and start mowing them down.
And while I am in Wussy boy Mode, I almost forgot one of my all time favourite films in that posting on the other thread, it has to be Parent Trap 2
Sorry bout that !!!!