I thought about using some sort of EMS kit to get the fingers to go...however...how long would it take to get a really bad case of RSI??!!
An electronic trigger pulling device?? FA..hence no go..not here anyway!
By the way...talking about debounce...on an E-Blade there are trigger filters..TPUL and TREL...these I believe are there to time the required duration of a trigger pull and a trigger release to be considered a pull or release...without which the marker wont operate..
So..if TPUL is set at 4ms...then, it has to see the trigger pulled for 4ms..so surely...this needs to be added to the other factors (CDEL,CON and COFF) ie...you cant progress to the next stage in the cycle before 4ms is up...then you have TREL at say 20ms..to add on the end, before the next cycle can start...if so..oes this not mean that cycle times are slower than we may think, or do these filters not do this?
Or are they staggered.....??