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extreme rage inflatafield uk sale


Nov 10, 2006
i have a extreame rage inflatafield bought from compulsive paintball in the us. only one of th ebunkers has been used and that is the smallest one, its been aired up and shot at in th eback garden, apart from that eveything is still in the box. i want £160 shipped.

5 bunker field which includes the following-

2 x slabs
2 x cans
1 x large slab
24 pegs
electric air pump
deluxe repair kit

is whats included


Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001

Wahtever your name is... i've sent you an email to the chrisgovier@hotmail.com address you have posted up regarding the PM6 U/L Frame and Virtue Board you still owe me. I've included a few details about how messed up the gun was when i received it as well. Be a good chap and read then sort this mess out.:mad:



Platinum Member
Jul 18, 2001
Just to clarify the current situation from my side of things:

When everything started to go a BIT dodgy with DTM123 i made sure i kept all of my PM's. Last night i sent them to Robbo. After reading the 3 or 4 pages worth of PM's Robbo felt that my claims were somewhat more valid that Dans and that Dan should send the goods owed or pay me compensation.

The upshot is that Dan is banned until he sends me the U/L frame and Virtue board i am owed. As soon as i get it i'll test it to make sure it's working. If it is, i let Robbo know and Dan gets unbanned. People can then make up their minds as to whether they want to trade with him.