If that's all it's got, you could spend every dime you have on upgrades. If you want consistency and accuracy go for a good set of regs. I like the Sidewinder alot, but it's probably the most plain looking thing in the world, which puts alot of people off of it. Also heard much good about the CP and Evil regs. For the front reg, always been a fan of the Palmers Rock and AKA. Also, Shocktech bomb three way (4way), 44 ram with QEV's, some sort of hinge frame (always fancied the KAPP Reflex for mechanical cockers) with roller sear, good LP valve (there's several, AKA, Shocktech, Evil, just about everybody makes one), new springs (I'd imagine that if the stock ones are still in there, they may be needing replacing), high flow bolt (you'll probably want one 2k+, so you'll also want to buy a new back block to accomodate), but before any of that, you'll need a good barrel kit. I'm a fan of the Evil Pipe, but the CP kit is good, I've heard the Empire is good, and I know a guy who spend nearly $900 on a full matched set of Ultralights, which seems obscene to me, but if that's your thing, they're very good. And since it weighs alot, replacing the front and back blocks (you'll already probably want to be replacing the back block anyway) might be good, maybe some nice milling. Then once you've finally got all that done to it, you'll get bored with it and want something else, and go selling or trading it in the classifieds for 1/4 what you paid