I might give that a go mate, eve is burning me out with its politics and i tried Sins of a Solar Empire.try playing X3, its not an MMO but it's the same thing as eve, except you can dogfight and control a fleet as opposed to a single ship. and you can build your own space stations and have them making you a fortune... i gave up playing as the controls are numerous.
Hmmm, 'big deal' isn't exactly the best way to describe SUAS - i would say he is infamous. Basically, he got famous through inventing and singing a theme song for Goonswarm (google something awful, they arn't just represented in eve), this coupled with his regular drunken TS rants made him quite the personality; he has kind of diminished since stealing a titan from Goons but is still really well known so yeh, i'd say he was a pretty big deal.not sure il get him on here but next time hes on messenger, i can give him message of some sort, watching the vids of him at the eve convetion in poland was pritty funny
hes a he really a big a deal as its sounds like it is?