second hand ego over etek, alot quiter for a poppet and just a better markerIm looking at getting into some local walk ons and an Etek 4 looks like exactly what im after. My only concern is that I will go and buy one only for the Etek 5 to appear in the new year. Does anyone have any advice? Any views would be much appreciated.
really? the etek's are hella loud!only real difference between the two ide say is the screen and the milling, no noticeable difference in sound.
the eteks have been out nearly two yr now so theres a possibly of a 5 coming soon. although i cant see planet sticking the air transfer on the etek just yet, will happily eat my words tho.....
all marketing and hype tbh, everyone is going to jump on and say rotor, spire, rotor, rotor. but they all do the same job, a halo or v35 will do the job at a slice of the price, you only need them to feed at 12.5bps which all electronic hoppers will do, its more of a fashion accessory nower days, same with PE makers, it seems to be all everyone wantsIn terms of loaders am i right in thinking that a that a rotor is the way forward?