got an etek 2...
with the right upgrades it can shoot just as good as any ego, zick kit, cure bolt, a good barrel switch kit too create a better barrel efficiency and tighter shot
now, i am going to copy and paste too here what i had previously said too a guy about buying a new marker, obviously this would involve many markers but i have given references to egos which you may like to read...
the question was what marker should i get...
'In what I have heard/seen you can actually do with an older marker which will effectively still stand up too newer models.
Ego5's and 06's are old although you can still see people on sites and tournaments using them they are excellent markers. Same with DM and PM markers you can go back a couple of years and again get an immense and fantastic marker for a cut of the price of newer markers with the added cut of price of secondhand
, really tho only differences between the old markers from around 2005,06 and ones out today are uptodate milling, lighter weight and some small mechanical or operational features. Not as important.
Most markers can also be easily updated with new boards and parts from manufacturers and aftermarket sites. Guns such as the egos can also be easily upgraded, and 05/06 ego with ti rammer, cure 2 bolt and for example an 08 tadao board or a flashed ego board will work just as effective than an 07 08 ego. Really that is my opinion on this as I use to own an 06 ego with all those bits and it was a great and fantastic marker, not much different in performance etc than newer guns, such as the PM8 I use to own, or the fully uppd etek2 I have now. (Effectively an ego with the planet upgrades u can get starframe, bolt etc). I still believe that the ego 06 I had was a fantastic marker for its age as I've shown compared to newer markers.
You can see some 05 06 egos with ups like star frames new bolts etc for around the 200 to 300 pounds mark, same with older PM's. and DM's'
hope this helps
with the right upgrades it can shoot just as good as any ego, zick kit, cure bolt, a good barrel switch kit too create a better barrel efficiency and tighter shot
now, i am going to copy and paste too here what i had previously said too a guy about buying a new marker, obviously this would involve many markers but i have given references to egos which you may like to read...
the question was what marker should i get...
'In what I have heard/seen you can actually do with an older marker which will effectively still stand up too newer models.
Ego5's and 06's are old although you can still see people on sites and tournaments using them they are excellent markers. Same with DM and PM markers you can go back a couple of years and again get an immense and fantastic marker for a cut of the price of newer markers with the added cut of price of secondhand
Most markers can also be easily updated with new boards and parts from manufacturers and aftermarket sites. Guns such as the egos can also be easily upgraded, and 05/06 ego with ti rammer, cure 2 bolt and for example an 08 tadao board or a flashed ego board will work just as effective than an 07 08 ego. Really that is my opinion on this as I use to own an 06 ego with all those bits and it was a great and fantastic marker, not much different in performance etc than newer guns, such as the PM8 I use to own, or the fully uppd etek2 I have now. (Effectively an ego with the planet upgrades u can get starframe, bolt etc). I still believe that the ego 06 I had was a fantastic marker for its age as I've shown compared to newer markers.
You can see some 05 06 egos with ups like star frames new bolts etc for around the 200 to 300 pounds mark, same with older PM's. and DM's'
hope this helps